Security, Privacy, and Convenience in a Connected World

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This research paper evaluates the balance of security, privacy, and convenience in today’s connected world.   It is 15 pages long with over 5,000 words.  Here’s an excerpt from the introduction:

The year is 2016 and technology is infused into our daily lives.  Technological devices sit in our pockets that have more computing power than the NASA computers which landed us on the moon.  Calculators exist with more processing power than the space shuttle’s on-board computer in 1991.  We live in an interconnected world where smartphones track our GPS location, browsing habits, travel habits, and our shopping tendencies.  Everything we do is recorded and analyzed – saved to the cloud and synchronized across all of our devices.  Cyber-security has become increasingly more important as we become more and more reliant on technology – how we deal with security and making sure it is well-balanced with privacy concerns is something that must be considered sooner, rather than later.

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